Upright Monuments – What You Need to Know

Upright monuments offer a dignified and prominent way to commemorate loved ones, standing tall as enduring tributes in any memorial setting. Discover the timeless elegance of upright monuments, providing a lasting legacy that honors those who have passed with reverence.

There’s more demand for upright monuments in recent times, and that may be due to the elegance and uniqueness that each design adds to the general aesthetics of where they are applied. Generally, upright monuments are grave headstones that use more vertical than horizontal space for commemorating the life and death of a loved one. However, they can be applicable to more than funerals.

Upright monuments are thick and have a solid base. Their width and height make it possible to add more sentimental notes to your lost loved one’s grave and include more messages to your audience. Its size is usually customizable to your needs.

After reading through this piece, you’ll understand when upright monuments are ideal and the types of upright monuments that are available.

Upright Monuments and When You Need Them.

Upright MonumentUpright monuments are the considerably large granite headstones you see over grave plots. They generally have two parts – the base and the die.

The base is the support and foundation for the die. It is usually twice as thick, slightly wider, and shorter than the die. However, they are available in different sizes, depending on your design and style preferences. The die is the part that usually carries the letterings of the design, although the base can also take some lettering.

Upright monuments are elegant but they aren’t always the best option as markers or monuments. You can use upright monuments in any of the following situations.

You need to make a statement

One of the common reasons for choosing upright monuments over other options – flat markers – is that they are imposing and make a statement that the buried person is loved. The need to show people that your lost loved one influences your decision to choose an upright monument.

You have the liberty to choose how big you want the monument to be. You can also ensure it’s more imposing than other monuments around by choosing a style that is thick and tall.

Upright Monuments - What You Need to KnowYou have more messages to include in your loved one’s epitaph

In a large family, everyone has something to say about their lost loved one; however, it is impossible to include everyone’s sentiment on the headstone. You can include as many messages on your lost loved one’s headstone if you have an upright monument that can take them.

In cases where the loved one has chosen their epitaph, they can be the main message on the headstone. However, relatives can add theirs to show their love.

You want an epitaph that is visible from a distance

One of the perks of using an upright monument is that you can see the epitaph from a distance. Generally, the larger the headstone, the larger the epitaph should be, and the more visible it is.

Therefore, for an epitaph that is visible to anyone from a distance, choose an upright monument. Also, it’ll be easier to locate your loved one’s grave after a long time away.

Its aesthetics

Upright Monuments - What You Need to KnowSome people will choose an upright monument only based on the aesthetics to provide to the surrounding. Other than the lush green lawn you’ll find on a golf course, a funeral site, or a large building ground, a granite upright monument adds some elegance to the greenery.

Dark-colored granite upright monuments are known to have a striking contrast to the otherwise green background of funeral sites and lawns.

The ground can take the weight

While upright monuments are catchy, they are heavy, and they require a solid ground for the base to hold on to. A sinking ground won’t work well with an upright monument, no matter how slim it may be.

Therefore, before you send in an order for an upright monument, ensure that the ground it will be applied to is compact enough to hold its weight.

Types of Upright Monuments

All upright monuments may have the same orientations but they can be of different types. There are two types of upright monuments, and they are single and double upright monuments.

Single Upright Monument

A single upright monument usually has a width of 20 inches, a thickness of 8 inches, and a height of 24 inches, although the size can vary, depending on custom design. It is usually used for a single plot on funeral grounds.

Double Upright Monument

A double upright monument is used for two people, usually couples or relatives, on burial plots that are side by side. They can have a height and thickness that is similar to a single upright monument. However, they’re usually wider than single upright monuments.

Applications of Upright Monuments

Although upright monuments are considered to be headstones, they can also be used for other purposes. Some of the less common applications of upright monuments include:

Architecture commemoration

Upright monuments are perfect for commemorating architectural feats that will remain a landmark for a long time. Upright monuments for architectural commemoration can be for residential or public buildings. They usually carry information concerning the building, including the owners and year of construction.

Upright monuments for architectural commemoration also add some aesthetic touches to the building and its surroundings.

Art commemoration

Large-scale art projects usually have a different marker compared to smaller ones. The appropriate markers for these art projects are usually large, and upright monuments are perfect for including all the information about the art that needs to be available to the public.

Recreational Site Marker

Recreation sites, such as golf courses and parks can use upright monuments to announce their name and purpose to the public. They offer better visibility than most signages and add some attractiveness to the first point of contact on the site.

Upright Monuments - What You Need to Know

Final Thought

Upright monuments are usually seen as headstones and are attributed to funerals. However, they are also applicable to art commemoration, recreational site marking, and architecture commemoration.

Before you choose an upright monument, ensure that other granite markers can’t achieve the same purpose you need the upright monument for. Also, choose the right design and style for your purpose.

For the best stone carving and upright monument for memorials and other purposes, Leominster Monument is the best hand to use.

Now you can visit our sister location, Hathaway Memorials, at 44 Main St., Sterling, MA 01564.

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